Twilight tester
What's your Cullen car?
Resultat: Mercedes
(Tror det är Carlisles bil)
What member of the Cullen family are you?
Resultat: Jasper
Which member of the pack are you?
Resultat: Sam
What kind of vampire are you?
Resultat: Oh no! Jag blev en Volturi! :O
Who is your perfect Cullen boy?
Resultat: Oh yeah! I looove Edward :P <3
Who is your perfect Cullen girl?
Resultat: If I were a boy, my perfect Cullen girl would be Esme :P
Vampire, werewolf or human?
Resultat: Varulv :P
Hittade dessa tester på
Tryck på länkarna och gör testerna du också!
/ En ickepluggande Fredrika :P
Postat av: Lillefoten
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